Sunday, November 22, 2020

USA Elections: 2020

I'm for respecting American law. The final results of the election are scheduled to come in December. In a contested election such as this, it is like choosing sides to proclaim a winner early, and that is not diplomacy for non Americans, nor unity for Americans. There is a danger if the focus is only on winning, and not on achieving a better unified nation on the morrow.

It is understandable for Biden himself to claim it. It is irresponsible for any journalist to. It challenges the pursuit of due process in American law. Dear God, why are so many doing it? They are becoming for America a worse threat than their depiction of Trump. Look at actual policies, not just speech patterns. What an ordeal this is! This runaway slander and libel needs to have limit. Like shouting fire in a crowded theater, the media has been electioneering for 4 years against Mr. Trump, not reporting facts. 

At the possible departure of a historic friend of the State of Israel, I urge greater patience than some may be feeling, or showing. If Trump leaves office, whenever that may be, let it be with dignity, as he has shown the State of Israel. 

We should respect the final results, however they may be, and treat the winner with respect we would want for our own candidate, whether or not the winner is the one we may prefer. 

May God bless President Trump, and may the true winner of the election soon be revealed so that the nation may unite behind the results. Let our stance further justice and foster unity, not the very opposite.

We should respect the winner of the election, whoever he may be. But the fairness of the voting tally must be shown, in order for the country to unite behind him.

The allegations of voting fraud are multifarious and many of them are extremely compelling. No cynicism at the charges of fraud, please! Silence critics with evidence, not more allegations. Law leads to order. Lawlessness leads to anarchy.

Let the charges be proven true or false. The losing side must know the veracity of the ultimate results.

That is the only peaceful way to end this. I taught Political Science and American History at the collegiate level, and I’m not exaggerating.

God bless America. And win or lose, may God bless Donald J. Trump as well. May the best possible results be revealed, and may it soon be so, by the grace of God.

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