Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Uman: In Harm's Way

Now that Russia has publicly offered warning to the Jews who wish to visit Uman for the annual Rosh HaShanah pilgrimage, this ought to be stated: 

One does not put themselves into jeopardy for no good reason, even while claiming religious reasons. This extra caution isn't just an ideal platitude, it is a religious law. An act of religious faith, fulfilling the Torah command to guard one's wellbeing, and also to not risk burdening the community as well to attempt a rescue or provide medical care where it could have been avoided. 

If there is a risk to life, even the laws of the Sabbath are pushed aside. So how come someone who has a strong enough yearning is suddenly allowed to risk themselves? The test of faith here, is in one's self restraint (hiskafia). 

Therefore claiming one must go for reasons of faith into danger, may be OK for a prophet or firefighter, but not the average person.

As the Talmud says, "A person should never stand in a place of danger saying that God will perform a miracle for them, lest God does not perform a miracle for them" (Shabbos 32a)

For those are still planning to go, regardless. For whom said pilgrimage is as a vital part of their annual rituals, they should consult with the highest sage that they know, before considering doing so in this precarious situation of active war in that region.

One person described it as, “It is like being in love, I simply have to go.”
But in love with what? How does one love God in a way He does not want to be loved and calls that being devout? The way to love God, is to heed Him. We love God because He has asked us to. That is how we must worship Him, not merely what we choose to love.

The love should have been for the Torah. King Solomon wrote, "Do not forsake her (the Torah), and she will preserve you; love her and she will guard you. (Proverbs 4:6) and "He who acquires sense loves his soul; he who guards understanding will eventually find good." (Prov. 19:8)

Another person said, “This is a place we can’t give up on. Coronavirus or no, war or no — there’s not even a thought not to come,” 
Not even a thought... Well, that much seems obvious.

The reaction for the rest of us?

If you know someone about to go, stop them. If you know someone who went, tell them to hurry home.

Whereas one who does not make any sacrifices for their faith should learn to be more zealous. Once these well intentioned zealots are safe, we can attempt to learn something good from their zeal. But not while they are in self inflicted jeopardy.

But rather than insulting them, let's pray for them. Pray for peace. Pray that those who are confused do not fall victim to their own foolishness. Pray that Divine wisdom is learned and absorbed by everyone, as is prophesied, "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the water covers the seabed." (Habbakuk 2:14)

May it soon be so, by the grace of God.

* * * * *

Rebbe Nachman said, "Never insist that everything go exactly your way. Even in spiritual matters."

From the book: "The Empty Chair: Finding Hope and Joy"

Moshe Mykoff,

Jewish Lights Publishing

* * * * *

Peace Upon All Israel.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Difference Between Criticism and Hatred

bfuscated Anti-Semitism that is conveyed via Anti-Zionism and Anti-Israelism, is still Anti-Semitism. The key difference between criticism and hate, is the critic wants to improve the target of their critique. Whereas the hater wants to destroy their target, in a way that they feel they can get away with.

The helpful critic is one who evaluates policy by policy, and makes suggestions for the common good. They may even occasionally praise the target of their criticism.

Let's encourage helpful criticism.

The hater uses comprehensive kinds of insults that focus on the target of their libel as an irreparable criminal of some kind. Criminal state, as a phrase, can only refer to a terror state, in truth, not a country with demonstrated good intentions and kindness to strangers. This brings us to the other aspect of haters, that their hateful agenda is more dear to them than the truth. Their own twisted truth allows them to pursue their own sense of justice, in their minds.

But justice can only be true, if objectively applied.

Therefore we must seek the truth behind the news media story, and then go further. To use only one news source in the current news media scene, will not give one the depth of objectivity necessary to find the truth.

We should oppose hate, and also share important information as a crisis may appear.

That's why I created this group:

PUSH BACK! Against Anti-Israelism & Anti-Semitism To Protect Jews Worldwide

Warning of a threat is a dear act of friendship. Opposing hatred is heroic. Join us today!

Also on Facebook:

Jerusalem Defender Discussion Group

Jerusalem Defender Fan Page

Be well, be safe.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

One State Solution Only Possible With Filtration of Terror

A One State Solution is the only plausible peaceful resolution to land dispute in Israel. The Two State Solution is proven as perpetuation of conflict. Many have relabeled a One State Solution as a kind of large melting pot of unity. Such could not work in the Middle East, where it would result in sleeper cells of terror. Rather, the choice is as before, to support a democratic state or to build a terror state in the future. Only by enhancing Israel by adding lawful Arabs can a version of peace find traction. But terrorists cannot be invited to join the united Israel of tomorrow.

Although I have written about this numerous times, starting when Heaven guided me to compose the Everyone Wins Peace Plan, since the days of the Bush Administration, I will refresh the topic. The definition of a One State Solution is the greatest impediment to support for this. No critics of this plan have sustained their opposition once they understand what I am saying. This matter requires precise understanding. The current narrative out there risks redefining what a workable One State Solution can be. But the only true path is still the same. 

Key Concepts in the Everyone Wins Peace Plan

* Filtration of terrorists out from the pool of naturalization applicants.

* No relocating of masses of innocent people. This means no good person has to give up their homes; neither Jews nor Arabs. 

* Qualifying Palestinian Arabs slowly but surely become complete Israelis without overwhelming the Israeli economy, infrastructure, nor electoral balance.

* The multiethnic IDF retains complete control.

The two philosophic legs that Everyone Wins stands on is that:

1) Peace is guaranteed in the future by God Himself, and by working oneself backwards from the prophecies of the future, most paths to peace are revealed as flawed. God's Holy Word is the best possible source of intel, and I took the Torah seriously when forming a suggested plan to peace. 

2) All humans are made in God's image and have the potential for holiness. Terrorists reject that to the point of a perpetual threat of bloodshed, and cannot be members of society. Remove terrorists from a group of any humans, and you have only a highly valuable pool of human resources.
Arabs are good. Terrorist are not. Remove terrorists, and only productive potential citizens remain.

When the philosophy of diverse people is unified, then there can be peace. The philosophy must be based on an end to terror, for civilization to be enhanced. To be a united state of civilization builders.

May it soon be so, by the grace of God.